Regarding Buenos Aires
Ferrari, Franzetti, Kalina, Libster, Pedemonte, Picasso, Piñeiro, Ronco, Santamaría, Solarz, Zukerfeld
From the Santa María de los Buenos Aires harbor, the city is a desert where pity and help are not expected from anybody. With black and echoing ships. Orchestral trains. Abandoned children. Methalyne-blue glowing signs. Theater halls. Vast avenues. Narrow alleyways. All-night studying. Planes crashing. Smokeless chimneys. Identical handwritten letters. Secret rendez-vous. Prefabricated swamps. Slimy lake-beds. Forbidden islands. Almost a million books. Sculptured angels. Commemorative stones. Tango singers. Deceit. Holdups. Swindling. Black and white images of a dead Buenos Aires. Eleven directors, thirty-two characters and five-part collective experience about a city. Temperate and merry, the remains of a shipwreck: Regarding Buenos Aires.